Empowering teachers with the tools they need to build success in special education classrooms without feeling overwhelmed

Curriculum solutions for self-contained settings focused on extended content standards

Make Academics Accessible to All Learners

Balanced Difficulty

Isolates salient points with straightforward language for clarity and uses extended content standards to address academic challenges.

Reduce Teacher Overwhelm

Each unit provides straightforward lesson plans outlining exactly what to teach, ready-to-use PowerPoints and printouts, plus answer keys.

Student Familiarity

Features consistent activities supported by picture symbols to ease understanding and allow students to focus on the content being taught.

Flexible Differentiation

Supports both simplified and advanced tasks with quick color-coding for easier activities and independent work for more challenging tasks.

Teacher Created Curriculum

Developed by classroom teachers and tweaked based on real student experiences to meet the unique challenges of special education classrooms.

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Trusted by over 50,000 teachers in 100 countries

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